There’s a lot of stuff to stream nowadays. In hopes of helping you watch more good movies and TV, we compile some of the most exciting titles streaming across all platforms in our weekly column, What To Watch.
The Sex Live of College Girls” is back with a third season, following Kimberly, Bela, and Whitney for more college adventures. This year, the series says goodbye to one of its leads, Renee Rapp. It’ll be interesting to see if the show can overcome the loss of arguably its biggest star.
The last half of the second and final season of “Arcane” is being released tomorrow on Netflix. The series has some of the most stunning animation in recent memory, tackling serious subject matter with a colorful and engrossing approach.
Cruel Intentions” is getting the Gen-Z treatment. The new series is based on the beloved teen classic starring Sarah Michelle Gellar, Reese Witherspoon, and Ryan Phillippe.
Starring Saoirse Ronan and directed by Steven McQueen, “Blitz” is a must-watch for anyone interested in tuning in to this year’s awards season. The film follows a 9-year-old boy and his mother, both intent on reuniting following her decision to send him away to the English countryside to keep him safe from the devastation of World War 2.
Starring John David Washington, Samuel L. Jackson, and Daniel Deadwyler, the film is an adaptation of one of August Wilson’s award-winning plays, following a family that’s battling over an heirloom piano.