France is home to some of the world’s foremost innovative interior designers and architects, each with their own artistic vision and aesthetic. The country’s culture is adorned with chic and practical designs that illuminate spaces.
Whether they look to the past in elegant Belle Èpoque-era designs, or to the future, concerned with space-age technological aesthetics, these designers have solidified their artistic influence in the world of interior design. From mastering the basics in minimalism to adding a wild pop of color that works just right: whether you’re looking to surround yourself with color-saturated interiors or mid-century, futuristic spaces, look no further than these Instagram accounts of French interior designers for tips on transforming your space into a livable masterpiece.
Young architect-designer-artist Hugo Toro has already made a name for himself in the interior design world, especially from his work in St. Pancras in London as well as his historic remodel of the Villa Albertine in New York. Toro works with a patchwork of references in mind, from childhood memories to historical eras, and imbues his unique projects with warm, rich atmospheres that are at once visually engaging and pragmatic in their functionality.
Known for her use of bright, cheery colors and her penchant for maximalism, Laura Gonzalez crafts spaces overflowing with her sense of romanticism and her appreciation for both classical and contemporary design styles. Gonzalez has worked on a number of spaces for luxury brands and trendy hotels alike, including several Cartier retail spaces and the Parisian Saint James Hotel.